Below you will find governing documents for the sport of Swimming in South Australia. These documents assist the organisation to ensure best practice governance and apply to all members of and spectators involved with the sport.
- Constitution & By-Laws
- Board & Committee Policies and Terms of Reference
- National Integrity Framework
- Event Policies & Rules
- Pool Depth & Diving Safety
- Sport Integrity Policies
- Inclusion & Diversity Policies
- Recognition and Reward Policies
- Finance, Audit and Risk Policies
- Terms and Conditions
Constitutional By-Laws (Updated 26/02/2024)
Director Induction Pack - ORS
Director FAQ's - ORS
Club Executive Members Service as Directors Policy
Terms of Reference - Governance, Audit & Risk Committee
Terms of Reference - Country Committee
Terms of Reference - Competitions Committee
Terms of Reference - Technical Committee
Safeguarding Children, Vulnerable & Young People Policy
Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy
Competition Manipulation & Sports Gambling Policy
Complaints, Disputes & Discipline Policy
Swimming Rules (Updated June 2023)
Event By-Laws (Updated July 2024)
Open Water Swimming By-Laws & Rules
Country Championships Application Policy
Interstate Competition Clearance Policy
Provision of Technical Officials to External Bodies
SA Pool Depth Guidelines and Safe Water Entry Information (Updated October 2024)
Development of Aquatic Facilities Policy
What is Integrity?
Integrity is the integration of outward actions and inner values. A person with integrity does what they say they will do in accordance with their values, beliefs and principles. A person of integrity can be trusted because he or she never veers from inner values, even when it might be expeditious to do so. A key to integrity, therefore, is consistency of actions that are viewed as honest and truthful to inner values.
A sport that displays integrity can often be recognised as honest and genuine in its dealings, championing good sportsmanship, providing safe, fair and inclusive environments for all involved. It will be also expected to ‘play by the rules’ that are defined by its code. A sport that generally displays integrity has a level of community confidence, trust and support behind them. The impact of this on their business cannot be underestimated.
The integrity of a sport will be judged by its participants, spectators, sponsors, the general public and more often than not, the media. The survival of a sport therefore relies on ensuring that ‘the sport is the same on the outside as it is on the inside’ and remains true to its values, principles and rules. Below are the sports policies in relating to integrity topics.
Equal Opportunity Employment Policy
SwimmingSA recognises the great potential for people from all cultural and diverse backgrounds to participate in Swimming.
SwimmingSA is committed to a "swimming for all" philosophy. SwimmingSA incorporates inclusion strategies in all aspects of the sport, creating opportunities for all Australians to participate. Whether you choose to swim for fun and enjoyment, health and fitness, aspire to be a world champion or choose to be involved in a non-swimming role as a coach, official or volunteer, swimming provides many opportunities.
We are committed to ensuring swimmers with disability can participate in all aspects of the sport and we have been committed for many years to making inclusion simply part of what we do. SwimmingSA believes in taking a social approach to disability inclusion by putting the swimmer first, adapting to individual need and addressing both physical and attitudinal barriers to participation.
With the help of Swimming Australia and and other partner organisations we deliver programs and resources to support and develop our Swim Clubs, coaches and officials to understand the needs of people with disability and how they can create a positive and welcoming environment.
Swimmers with disability have the same opportunities to swim as everyone! There are also programs and pathways that support swimmers to learn and improve.
For More Information:
Hall of Fame Induction Policy
Life Membership, Merit & Service Award Policy
Terms & Conditions of Membership - Club / Association COVID Declaration
New Member Club Guidelines
Terms & Conditions of Membership - Individual
Terms & Conditions - Promotions
Terms & Conditions of Venue Entry - SAALC
Terms & Conditions of Venue Entry - All SwimmingSA Events
Terms & Conditions - Website