Swim Central is our new whole of sport administration system.
Swimming SA will run information/training sessions at key events for club administrators, so keep an eye on our social media accounts for important Swim Central updates and session dates.
20 March 2020 - CLICK HERE for Swim Central Update from SwimmingSA and Swimming Australia
What is Swim Central
- Features
Swim Central
Swim Central is a progressive CRM that will simplify administration for all users. Some of the new functionality clubs and members will enjoy include:
Shopping trolley function
Swim Central's shopping trolley functionality allows members to add membership products, meet entries, and anything else your club might offer to a shopping trolley for yourself and any other members of your family so you can checkout/make payment in one convenient transaction.
Simplified refund process
Clubs have the option to choose if refunds can be permitted for products in Swim Central. For products that permit refunds, members will be able to initiate a refund request themselves. The refund will then need to be approved by different levels; once each level approves the refund of their portion of the fees, the funds will be returned to the member through the online payment gateway.
Instant Messaging system
Need to remind your members that club night is on this week? Need to remind them to being along their fundraising efforts to next squad training? Pool closed this week, so no training? Simply add your members to a group and message them all at once through Swim Central.
Technical Official nomination and appointment process streamlined
When setting up meets, clubs can create a nomination system for TO’s, making it easier than ever to organise a crucial aspect of running your events.
Automated scheduling of meet Timekeepers
In addition to the TO nomination and appointment process, Swim Central can auto-allocate clubs as Timekeeper representatives for meets.
Run social events through Swim Central
Create your non-swimming events in Swim Central. Participants are able to RSVP and purchase products like club merchandise or raffle tickets through Swim Central.
Contact Us
For more information please contact admin@sa.swimming.org.au or 7123 0848 and dial through to Membership.