Event Details
AM Sessions: Gates Open: 7.30 am Warm Up: 7.45 am Start Time: 9.00 am
PM Sessions: Gates Open: 3.30 pm Warm Up: 3.45 pm Start Time: 5.00 pm
Please Remember we MUST adhere to the recent COVID Restrictions for the Meet:
- Swimming Pools - density of 1 person per 4 square metres
- All people present at the venue or activity must wear a face mask covering nose & mouth, except whilst they are exercising, or if they are exempt from having to do so or under 12 years of age
PRE MEET TRAINING - Thursday 2nd September 2021
Session 1: 12 pm to 1:30 pm
Session 2: 1:30 pm to 3 pm
Athletes - please purchase a free ticket to register your attendance at the pre-meet training.
Parents - If you are entering the venue AT ALL (including drop off and pick up) during the pre-meet training period please purchase a free ticket to register your attendance.
Coaches - Please nominate your attendance via the Coaches Position Nomination.
Team Managers - Please nominate your attendance via the Team Managers Position Nomination.
CLICK HERE to register via Swim Central
CLICK HERE for Events Listing
CLICK HERE for Events by Session
CLICK HERE for Qualifying Times
CLICK HERE for Event Information Book
CLICK HERE for Time Lines
CLICK HERE for Officials Allocation & Roster
CLICK HERE for Seating Allocation
CLICK HERE for Venue Entry & Warm Up Groups
Maximum 2 Spectator per swimmer until notified otherwise closer to the start of the meet.
CLICK HERE for Merchandise available from Sports Centre
Pre-Orders Close: 11:59 pm on Tuesday 1 September 2021
Swim TV

Unable to make it to the SA State Open & Multi Class Short Course Championships
Watch the event Live via SwimTV