Event Details
For swimmers aged 11yrs & U who have not achieved 2021 State SC Age Championships Qualifying Times.
The Junior Participant Meet will occur in between the Heats & Finals session of the State Open & Multi Class Championships on Saturday 4 September 2021
Entries Closing: Monday 16 August 2021 at 12 pm
Maximum 2 Spectator per swimmer until notified otherwise closer to the start of the meet.
Gates will open at 11.30am
Warm Up will be from 11.45am-12.45pm
Racing will commence at 1.00pm
CLICK HERE for Event List
CLICK HERE for Time Line

At previous Junior Participation Meets SwimmingSA has had the ability with SAALC to conduct fun games and allow participants access to Wibit but on this occasion timing constraints won't allow us to, so it is great to be able to offer the opportunity for all Junior Participation Meet participants to be apart of National Jump In Day
Saturday 4 September is National Jump in Day for Diving Australia and our colleagues and friends across the pools at Diving SA extend an invitation to those involved in the Junior Participation Meet and SwimmingSA members to #JumpIn and have a go at diving
CLICK HERE to register as there are limited spots and times available