Because of you... no records been left behind!
You matter. You make a difference. Your great generosity has had a profound and lasting impact on the SwimmingSA Community. Your willingness to share both your time and your talent by volunteering as an official and the State Records Officer for 40+ years says a lot about you as a human being. Your willingness to give selflessly to for the recognition of our swimmers speaks to both your strength and the quality of your character.
Norma Amey has seen it all, a face maybe not recognised by many of today’s swimmers, but an essential volunteer who recognises all your names and pb's none the less. From her early days as an experienced and seasoned recorder, utilising the manual card system to the latest technology Norma’s been across it all, ensuring the accurate recording of race results and records. Norma’s calm approach and experience was a blessing to TO’s who were learning the role and function of the Recorder.
We know that you chose to volunteer selflessly and without expectation of being recognized or rewarded, today however we wish to do just that. Letting you know just how much your dedication is appreciated and to make sure that everyone at SwimmingSA is forever grateful to you, you do make a difference.
Words cannot adequately express the gratitude that the board and staff of SwimmingSA wish to convey. Please know that your volunteerism is recognized, appreciated, valued and cherished. We trust you will enjoy your surprise gift and wish you all the best in retirement. Norma, this world is a better place because you volunteered, and we thank you for it.
#volunteer #volunteering #volunteersmakeadifference