Our state records recognise South Australia's best and emerging swimmers.
- State Records
- Country Records
- Annual Records
- Applying for a Record
State Records (Male)
State Records (Female)
Multi-Class State Open Records
Multi-Class LC State Age Records
Male & Female 12&U
Country Records
2010/2011 - Click Here
2011/2012 - Click Here
2012/2013 - Click Here
2013/2014 - Click Here
2014/2015 - Click Here
2015/2016 - Click Here
2016/2017 - Click Here
2017/2018 - Click Here
2018/2019 - Click Here
2019/2020 - Records Broken & Annual Records
When records are broken at either a SwimmingSA or Swimming Australia (SAL) meet, e.g. SwimmingSA Championships and Australian Age Championships, these records are updated automatically of the swim.
For all other meets you must apply for the record as results are not automatically checked.
A swimmer who breaks a record at a school swim meet or club event or interstate event or international event is responsible for submitting their own record application. It is not the responsibility of SwimmingSA to screen for records at these meets.
For recognition of South Australian Records the following criteria requirements are to be fulfilled before SwimmingSA can approve applications for records.
1. The swimmer must be registered with a federation that is a member of FINA.
2. The meet must satisfy the following criteria:
Conducted in a 25m or 50m pool
Conducted under the Rules of SwimmingSA
The official times determined by automatic timing or semi-automatic timing
Have the adequate number of officials present as approved by SwimmingSA.
3. The club conducting the meet is required to provide SwimmingSA with the following documentation:
Official meet program
Full Meet Manager (MM) results (MM results must be emailed to SwimmingSA at events@sa.swimming.org.au)
4. Applications for records are required to be received by SwimmingSA within 21 days of the date of the meet in which the record was broken.