Event Details
Gates Open: 8:15am
Warm Up Starts: 8:15am
Warm Up Finishes: 8:45am
Racing Starts: 9:00am
Entries Close: Saturday 6 July 2024 at 7:00pm unless timeline fills prior to
CLICK HERE for Information/Event Listing
Visit the Norwood Swimming Club website for detailed carnival information.
Following the closing date, please check website to confirm your entries are correct. Changes cannot be made after this time.
Swimmers will be able to warm up and cool down in reserved lanes located in the dive pool.
Multi Class events will be run in conjunction with scratch events.
PLEASE NOTE: Entries are likely to close before the closing date as time limits are reached
PLEASE ENTER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. Once the timeline is full, no Late Entries can be accepted.
Website: norwoodswimmingclub.com.au